cHristmAs tiMe was fuN... wEnt oUt wif a BunCh kHAkIS... wEnt tO toWN.. suPpoSe to MEet uP wiF a FEw frENz buT sOmehOW..wE goT stuCk in OrchArd... wE hAd LotS of SAbotage PLanS... spRay spRAY.. oRcharD wAs cRaZy.. pPl wERe mAd.. tOWN... waS crazy... JeNSon, SAlly , ELiZabEth , aLviN anD a FeW moRe haD a not tat bAD chrisTmas.. hopE neW yr wiLL tuRn put finE!!! i BE puttin Some PicS to shoW hoW e day waS spend!!!
A good general not only sees the way to victory; he also knows when victory is impossible.
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