Saturday, October 02, 2004


Hi thErE.. iTz Hv bEeN a WhilE siNCe i LAst wRote iN.. wELL, My Life is doIN aLrite, noW at least i caN gEt tO dO mY woRk bEttA coS iM CAtchiNg Up Finezzz JUz hOpE it iS noT tOO LAtE niA.. oH ya.. I aLso DiD tOok pArt iN soMe nGeE aNn Mr N mIss PAgEnt CompEtitioN.. iT wAs a grEat ExpErieNCe 4 mI.. We hAd lOads oF fun.. NOw u caN c E baBeS n Hunks oF e niGht!!! WondErFuL tiMe We hAD pRactiCin E dAncE moVEs n soME huNky ACtionS!!! hAHA, nEwAY noW itZ gRt tO C mY bUdDy ZhoNG QiANg iN e RECent CompEtitioN oF xia huA xiA caO, sOme cHAnneL 8 PoLy Hunks n bAbe!!! He iS suRely witHout e Man!!! WeLL gD luCK tO u!! I guEss tATs ABt it... hAiz, tImE flieS rEAlly FASt!! oH oKie!! i EnD heRE!! bYEz...

I was standing
All alone against the world outside
You were searching
For a place to hide
Lost and lonely
Now you've given me the will to survive
When we're will keep us alive
Don't you worry
Sometimes you've just gotta let it ride
The world is changing
Right before your eyes
Now I've found you
There's no more emptiness inside
When we're will keep us alive
I would die for you
Climb the highest mountain
Baby, there's nothing
I wouldn't do
I was standing
All alone against the worlk outside
You were searching
For a place to hideLost and lonely
Now you've given me the will to survive
When we're will keep us alive
When we're will keep us alive
When we're will keep us alive

A good general not only sees the way to victory; he also knows when victory is impossible.

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